Five Interesting Facts About Supplements

January 11, 2023

Even when we make conscious efforts to eat a balanced diet, it’s not always possible. Some of us rely on supplements to give us the healthy boost our body needs.

Did you also know that your nutrient absorption capacity reduces as you age? Supplements make up for our dietary inadequacies.

If you’ve decided to include supplements in your dietary lifestyle, then you’ll love these interesting facts. They may play a significant role in finalizing your decision, so don’t go anywhere!

Five interesting facts about supplements

1. There are many types of supplements

You’re likely more used to seeing the pill form of supplements. They’re the most common ones and certainly the easiest to consume.

However, there are other forms of supplements, each equally effective in its function. You can choose the liquid or powdered form.

There are also many categories of supplements, but some brands combine all the essential ones in a single product.

Supplementary sources include fish oil, green tea, garlic, protein, calcium, vitamins, and many others.

2. Not all supplements work

Yes, you should expect that not all supplements work! The selling point of these dietary additions is their physical efficacy – if they didn’t work, people wouldn’t buy them. It’s crucial to note that not all claims made by supplement brands are valid. However, calcium, fish oil, vitamins, zinc, and other supplements guarantee positive effects.

3. Supplements can have an adverse effect on your health

Multivitamins are great for your health and likely won’t hurt you. The same applies to some other supplements.

However, the federal regulations regarding dietary supplements aren’t as stringent as those guiding prescriptive drugs. Some manufacturers may include ingredients that we don’t see on the label. Some of these additions may counteract medications you’re currently taking.

Alternatively, they may even result in health complications, such as increasing your chances of contracting a disease. An example is a supplement that contains Beta-carotene, a nutrient that can increase a smoker’s chances of having lung cancer.

So, when you’re choosing supplements, go for the more renowned brands, or refer to the next point.

4. Consult an expert before buying supplements

Supplements are also similar to prescriptive medications and can have side effects when you don’t take them with care. In this regard, please consult your medical specialist before purchasing supplements, as they’re more enlightened about the state of your health and the suitable medications for you.

They’ll probably also have more experience with supplements with good medical reputations and those that don’t.

5. Remember, supplements are just supplements

Even though supplements perform many benefits, they’re not substitutes for a healthy diet. Consuming all your required nutrients is possible because some foods have diverse nutritional value.

So, never replace your meals with supplements.


Supplements plus a healthy diet equals a healthy lifestyle. However, the former should never replace the latter.